
October 2020 – Moon enters Cancer, Mars square Pluto

How was that Gemini Moon with the Mercury Uranus opposition? Yesterday, one of our dogs (Mercury rules my 6th house of pets) knocked my laptop off the table and the screen broke.. perfect symbolism of the transit. Knowing the astrology makes it almost entertaining, seeing how the energy chooses to manifest, instead of exasperating. Thankfully, the data on the laptop is still intact.

What’s happening today? The Moon has just entered her home sign of Cancer. This is a sign associated with: 

– water
– women
– fertility
– home, family & tribe
– nursing & healthcare in general
– emotions
– music
– atmosphere

Prior to the past 2.5 years, which have brought a lot of drama via the train wreck in Capricorn (eclipses, Saturn/Pluto etc), the Moon being in her own sign would be a positive transit. Instead, it has ‘activated’ the drama fest in Capricorn, which we can expect until Saturn enters Aquarius in December.

People with planets in Capricorn & Cancer will know all of this too well (Aries & Libra also to a lesser degree). Thankfully, we are well within the tail end of this chapter, though the Mars retrograde is providing us with a couple final challenges.. like a final level boss. By this stage, however, you know the ropes and you’ve got this!

What is Mars doing? Having just passed a square with Saturn, he is now applying to a square with Pluto.. The Moon in Cancer activates this dynamic. 

Mars signifies:

– police & the military 
– masculine energy (can veer into toxic masculinity with Mars being in Aries)
– things that cut or burn (whether than be an oven, or just fire)
– drive & ambition
– anger, aggression & violence

Pluto signifies:

– secrets, & that which is hidden
– corruption
– power
– desire & obsession
– death, rebirth & deep transformation

Pluto transforms whatever it comes into contact with.. often destroying it so that it can be rebuilt from scratch, in a form that is more healthy and sustainable.

So we can expect to see more dramatic headlines in the news the next couple days mirroring the above themes. 

Signs feeling this the most will be:

– Aries
– Capricorn
– Libra
– Cancer
– Scorpio

Share your experiences in the comments!